⚡️Introducing Brand AI Model™⚡️ – World’s First Brand Contextual Generative AI Model ⚡️

Now with just a few clicks, train your brand’s own unique generative AI model fueled by your brand’s personality.
Taking a combination of inputs such as brand story, identity, design language, tonality, and aesthetic attributes that represent the brand.
Generate brand-specific marketing creatives including:
Email Subject lines, headlines, CTAs & body
Promotional copies for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns
Photorealistic product images
Social media Graphics
HTML Emails
Landing pages and more…
Orchestrate all your marketing activities with the Autonomous Customer Journeys.
What’s More?
With every marketing activity done, the Brand AI Model creates a feedback loop. Continuously learning from previous activity outcomes to self-improve the model.
More you use it! More it learns & Better it gets!
Re-imagine the future of marketing with AI